SA2 Semi-Automatic Palletizing Machine

phone: (800) 325-3667
email: [email protected]
Operational Advantages of the SA2 packaged ice palletizing machine
• Four-sided, completely enclosed stacking chamber helps to build more stable pallet stacks for smaller package sizes
• Flexible stack patterns to better accommodate a wider range of package sizes
• Both automatic and manual package orientation reset to better accommodate poor package presentation
• Single or dual stacking chamber functionality for more redundant operations
• Convenient automatic end-of-run function
• More convenient single button package drop recovery and cycle timing to minimize waste
• More complete operational data log
The semi-automatic model SA2 is the perfect solution for medium-size packaged ice producers. This industry proven palletizing machine is a cost-effective way to automatically stack ice packages on pallets for storage and delivery. This machine only requires one operator to remove the finished pallet from the stacking chamber and insert an empty pallet in its place. While the operator manually changes pallets, stacking operations continue uninterrupted in the other stacking chamber. This model features an all new, custom engineered electronic control and integration system utilizing proven Allen Bradley components. This new control platform is much more reliable, productive, and user friendly than previously offered semi-automatic palletizing platforms.
SA2 Semi-Automatic Palletizing Machine
• Cost-effective way to automatically stack ice packages on pallets for storage and delivery
• Installs fast! We can usually have the Automatic ICE™ Palletizing System fully functional in just a few days after equipment delivery
• Can be built to palletize 5lb (2kg) to 40-lb (18kg) individual ice packages or baled products
• More operational up time and less disruptions than alternate solutions
• User friendly and easy to maintain
• Remote internet connection to AIS Technical Support